Laverdière Rally Team
The team from Quebec, Canada have been using our tires for 3 seasons now. They are competing in a Mitsubishi EVO 8 at the top level of the Canadian Rally Championship. Rally Charlevoix 2019 was their first overall national win.

“It is really simple, since we have started using Hoosier Rally Tires, we NEVER had any flat tire! Only that is a big advantage performance wise but budget wise as well. They can last up to 50% more than what we used to race with before Hoosier. At Charlevoix last year, we won the rally with only one set of medium compound tires. The traction when accelerating and braking is very good from the begenning to the end. They have a close relationship with their teams, being there at the events or answering email quickly to help us perform. Everybody should try them! “
— Nicolas Laverdière (Driver for LRT)
You may follow them on their website , on their Facebook Page, on Instagram and on their Youtube Page
Mal Swann Rally Team

You may follow them on their Facebook Page or on Instagram